Proof Read on Paper

Students often only proof read on a computer screen. This is a mistake. Yes, printing can be expensive, but when you proof read on paper, you will find mistakes you missed on the computer screen.  The more mistakes you catch before turning in a paper, the higher the paper grade

Plan ahead

With the start of a new semester, it is important to get organized. Get a planner and write down all assignments. A little planning will save a great deal of stress later.

A new school year

A large part of writing is thinking. You do not have to have pen in hand or be sitting at your computer to be writing. Imagining a scene in your head is writing whether it is a fictional scene or a nonfiction scene. A professor once told me not to rush my writing. He said thoughts and ideas need time to percolate. Take a walk, sit in your favorite place, go to the gym, and let your thoughts percolate. You will have a more productive writing session when you do sit down to commit words to paper.